Love Me Whole

Love Me Whole Nicky James


Love Me Whole

Twenty-eight-year-old Oryn Patterson isn’t like other people. Being an extremely shy, social introvert is only part of the problem. Oryn has dissociative identity disorder. He may look like a normal man on the outside, but spend five minutes with him, and his daily struggles begin to show.

Oryn shares his life and headspace with five distinctively different alters. Reed, a protective, very straight jock. Cohen, a flamboyantly gay nineteen-year-old who is a social butterfly. Cove, a self-destructive terror, whose past haunts him. Theo, an asexual man of little emotion, whose focus is on maintaining order. And Rain, a five-year-old child whose only concern is Batman.

Vaughn Sinclair is stuck in a rut. When his job doesn’t offer the same thrill it once did, he decides it’s time to mix-up his stagnant, boring routine. Little does he know, the man he meets during an impromptu decision to return to college is anything but ordinary.

Vaughn’s heart defies logic, and he finds himself falling in love with this strange new man. But how can you love someone who isn’t always themself? It may not be easy, but Vaughn is determined to try.

Erótico / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Love Me Whole


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on 3/5/24

Esse romance gira em torno de Vaughn, um contador que se sente estagnado em sua profissão e por isso resolveu voltar à faculdade, e Oryn, seu colega de turma que tem Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade e sonha em escrever sua biografia. Eu peguei esse romance com zero expectativa e me surpreendi. A história é extremamente cativante e interessante. Amei o Vaughn, e a maneira como ele foi paciente e compreensivo com o Oryn e suas personas, ele aprende que para amar Oryn, precisa amar... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 75
ranking 60
ranking 29
ranking 11
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01/03/2018 11:47:30

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