Master of the Mountain

Master of the Mountain Cherise Sinclair


Master of the Mountain (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven #1)

When Rebecca's boyfriend talks her into vacationing at a mountain lodge with his swing club, she quickly learns she's not cut out for playing musical beds. Now she has nowhere to sleep. Logan, the lodge owner, finds her freezing on the porch. After hauling her inside, he warms her in his own bed, and there the experienced Dom discovers that Rebecca might not be a swinger...but she is definitely a submissive.

Rebecca knows that no one can love her plump, scarred body. To her shock, lodge owner Logan not only disagrees, but ties her up and shows her just how much he enjoys her curves. Under his skilled hands, Rebecca not only loses her inhibitions, but also her heart.

Damaged from the war, Logan considers himself too dangerous to be around the enticing little sub. He sends her away for her own safety, not realizing she believes she has once again been rejected because of her size. As Logan's mountains echo with her voice long after she's gone, he realizes she's taken his heart with her. But when he arrives in the city to reclaim her, Rebecca's phone has been disconnected and her apartment is empty...

Erótico / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Master of the Mountain


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# Mestre da Montanha – CHERISE SaltoAlto, SINCLAIR e Chicotinho!
on 9/5/11

Apesar de estar namorando há alguns meses, Jubarte ainda não conseguiu achar o seu lugar ao sol entre os lençóis de cetim, não abocanhou nenhum gostoso e duradouro orgasmo, muito menos um Oh Que Delicia de um múltiplo Men! No ato do Soca ela não sente nenhum prazer descomunal, não se satisfaz no Martela, muito menos sente um orgasmo mínimo que seja no Marreta do seu namorido quando ele faz essa prospecção tão sem sal nem açúcar na sua Caverna. Quando Eu sou o Bom enterra com góstio... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 109
ranking 39
ranking 25
ranking 28
ranking 7
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
27/12/2009 15:25:54
editou em:
30/09/2018 13:16:03

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