Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist

Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist GABI MOORE


Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist

(Mind Games Book 1) (English Edition)

The love story I’m about to tell you is the purest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done. But it all began in the darkest, ugliest way possible...

What are readers saying?
- "This series is one of the best this year. A first book in a trilogy just does NOT get any better than this! Holy moly! I literally could NOT put this one down. The way she can make you love and hate at the same time is just a talent a lot of authors don't have. Just get this book right now. Right this minute. Now. I swear, your mind will be blown. MIND. COMPLETELY. BLOWN!!!"

- "When you can read a book, twice, and still be thinking about it days later and planning to read it again, you know that this book is not only good - it's freaking awesome. I've never really read a book that had me totally captivated from this type of view. I'd read it again any time just to recapture the emotion and tension given by the characters found here."

The love story I’m about to tell you is the
purest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done.
But it all began in the darkest, ugliest way possible.

Forget what you know about power and domination.
Yes, this is a story of submission,
but real submission,
where the stakes are real and the cost is high.

This is a story like all other good stories.
It has good guys and bad guys, scary parts and naughty parts.
And it has me,
someone who thought they knew how the story would end,
just like you think you do right now.

I’ve done some kinky shit in my time, believe me,
but nothing could have prepared me for that last taboo,
that deepest humiliation,
the pleasure I had long forbidden myself
... love.

It was revenge that led me to her at first, I’ll admit it.

I thought I had her pegged.
I thought I knew what I was getting into,
but I underestimated her.

I'm a powerful man. Getting others to bend to
my will is second nature to me.
But something about her made me want to tear away
at all that and see what was hiding underneath.

But she had no idea who I could be,
or how dark the truth really was...

Cutting myself off from the Cane empire?
Incurring the wrath of some of the most powerful men in the country?

I could abandon her;
let her take the fall and walk away from all of this.
Or I could run with her now and do my best to protect her...

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

***With this trilogy comes plenty of steam, money, danger, spies, corruption, subterfuge, and of course, a GUARANTEED HEA at the end!

Book 1: Mindfuck (told from Nora's perspective)
Book 2: Mind Games (told from Dean's perspective)
Book 3: Mindgasm (told from both Nora's and Dean's perspectives)


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Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist


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on 31/1/23

O enredo passa sobre a perspectiva de Nora, uma dominatrix que expurga o sombrio de seus clientes, enquanto esconde seus próprios segredos. Até que ela recebe um e-mail, um possivel novo cliente e daí em diante, tudo se confunde na mente de Nora. Agora preciso ler o 2, pq o final........ leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/01/2023 16:09:06
editou em:
29/01/2023 16:09:39

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