Mistério em Shrewsbury

Mistério em Shrewsbury Ellis Peters


Mistério em Shrewsbury (Crónicas do Irmão Cadfael #11)

Um Enigma Medieval

Ou Terror nos Claustros - [An Excellent Mystery (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #11) by Ellis Peters na tradução:portuguesa de Sophie Vinga]: Ano da Graça de 1141. Agosto. A Inglaterra ainda está dilacerada pela guerra civil entre o Rei Stephen e a Imperatriz Maud [Empress Matilda (a.k.a.) Matilda of England: 1102–1167]. Entre as vítimas da carnificina, encontra-se o Mosteiro de Hyde Mead, totalmente destruído. Os monges estão espalhados por todo o lado e dois deles procuram refúgio em Shrewsbury: o irmão Humilis, que abandonou o seu projectado casamento e entrou para o mosteiro no seguimento de ferimentos sofridos nas Cruzadas, e o mudo Fidelis, seu dedicado servidor. Tudo corre bem até que Nicholas, outrora escudeiro de Humilis, decide, ele próprio, cortejar a donzela que fora noiva do seu amo. Então, dá-se uma tragédia e só o Irmão Cadfael (o frade detective) poderá distinguir quem são os inocentes, os culpados e as vítimas, todos eles com o destino marcado pelas exigências da honra e do amor.

In 1141, two monks have arrived in Shrewsbury from Winchester, where their abbey was destroyed. Now Brother Humilis, who is very ill, and Brother Fidelis, who is mute, must seek refuge at Shrewsbury. And from the moment he meets them, Brother Cadfael senses something deeper than their common vows binds these two brothers. And as Brother Humilis's health fails, Brother Cadfael faces a poignant test of his discretion and his beliefs as he unravels a secret so great it can destroy a life, a future, and a holy order.

An Excellent Mystery is a mystery novel by Ellis Peters, the third of four set in the year 1141, when so much occurred in the period known as the Anarchy. It is the 11th in the Cadfael Chronicles, published in 1985 (1985 in literature).
The siege of Winchester sends monks streaming across England seeking safe haven. Two arrive at Shrewsbury Abbey. A young man seeks out the older of the two monks, wanting his approval to marry a young woman once meant for another, and she cannot be found. His quest begins.

[Historical Plot Introduction from Wikipedia] News comes slowly to the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul from the battles in the south between the imprisoned King Stephen and the Empress Maud besieged in Winchester. Empress Maud wants to regain the support of Henry, Bishop of Winchester, but the canny bishop will not side with her again after the failure of his legatine council. Rather he is building up his own stores at Wolvesey Castle in Winchester in case he is besieged, and rebuilding his alliance with Queen Matilda, now leading King Stephen's armies. In Winchester, battle begins, with the Bishop's forces shooting fire arrows. The Abbey of Hyde-Mead in Winchester is laid waste, dispersing the surviving monks.

Aventura / Suspense e Mistério / Romance policial / Crime / Crônicas / Drama / Entretenimento / Ficção / História / História Geral / Literatura Estrangeira

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Mistério em Shrewsbury
An Excellent Mystery
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on 9/4/24

Confesso que com esse livro fiz algo diferente do meu padrão: fiz uma leitura esperando odiar. O livro me pegou com a bravata da comparação com "O Nome da Rosa", talvez meu livro favorito de todos os tempos. Tive que pegar pra ler, quis que fosse uma cópia barata e maltrapilha de uma obra fantástica. Fui surpreendido. Esse livro tem muito pouco a ver com "O Nome da Rosa". As poucas características compartilhadas resumem-se ao cenário de uma abadia no interior de um país em guerra... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
08/03/2015 09:12:13
editou em:
12/03/2015 00:31:44

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