Native Tongue

Native Tongue Suzette Haden Elgin


Native Tongue #1

Called "fascinating" by the New York Times upon its first publication in 1984, Native Tongue won wide critical praise and cult status, and has often been compared to the futurist fiction of Margaret Atwood. Set in the twenty-second century, the novel tells of a world where women are once again property, denied civil rights and banned from public life. Earth's wealth depends on interplanetary commerce with alien races, and linguists--a small, clannish group of families--have become the ruling elite by controlling all interplanetary communication. Their women are used to breed perfect translators for all the galaxies' languages.

Nazareth Chornyak, the most talented linguist of the family, is exhausted by her constant work translating for trade organizations, supervising the children's language education, running the compound, and caring for the elderly men. She longs to retire to the Barren House, where women past childbearing age knit, chat, and wait to die. What Nazareth comes to discover is that a slow revolution is going on in the Barren Houses: there, word by word, women are creating a language of their own to free them from men's control.

Distopia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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Língua nativa
Língua nativa
Native Tongue
Native Tongue


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Resenhas para Native Tongue (21)

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O poder da língua
on 21/11/23

Sou uma fã de ficções científicas e este livro me deixou empolgada em um nível absurdo. Demorei um pouco para pegar o ritmo e entender toda a estrutura social retratada, mas as relações entre alienígenas, linguísticas e governo em torno da língua é fascinante. O livro apresenta um futuro onde há a supressão de direitos das mulheres, que as coloca em total submissão ao patriarcado. Algumas delas - as linguístas, ocupam papéis cruciais ao diálogo com os alienígenas, o que viabiliza troca... leia mais

Vídeos Native Tongue (1)

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LÍNGUA NATIVA | Bate-papo ao vivo com Jana Bianchi! (completo)

LÍNGUA NATIVA | Bate-papo ao vivo com Jana Bi


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Avaliações 4.3 / 98
ranking 49
ranking 43
ranking 8
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ranking 0



cadastrou em:
25/07/2023 19:12:27
editou em:
25/07/2023 19:27:06

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