No Saint

No Saint Ria Wilde


No Saint

A standalone dark romance


Virtuous. Kind. Patient.

These were words never associated with Gabriel Saint.

He was a monster. The devil that haunted the city of Redhill.

And he had found me.

I'd managed to hide for a while from my past, present and future.

But I should have known they'd come looking, after all I had the heir of the city in my arms, and if there is anything I do know about the ruling crime family of this city, it's that family comes before all else.

When Gabriel comes for me, I fight but know it's useless, and when he forces me to be his wife, I vow to make his life as miserable as possible.

But there was something about the man. Something I wanted to unravel, pick apart so I could find all the pieces that made him who he was.

What I found was not what I expected.

He wants my heart.

He wants me to his wife in more ways than just that piece of paper that binds us.

And the more time I spend trapped with the mafia boss in his clifftop house, the more pieces of me he steals.

But with this life comes blood and violence, and there was someone determined to make us pay.

No Saint is a standalone dark mafia romance set in the fictional city of Redhill. It contains kidnap and a forced marriage theme which may make some readers uncomfortable. It is a slow burn with high tension but please be advised, there is heavy sexual content from about 45% through to the end. As it is a dark romance, please be mindful of the TWs/CWs at the start of the book.


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No Saint


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Você foi feita para mim, mondo mia,cada átomo de você é meu.
on 12/5/23

Achei muito fraco, e tudo muito rápido, o plot e terrível se vc ler com um pouquinho de atenção vc descobri rapidinho que e o traidor. Achei o casal bem fraco também, os hots são mais ou menos. E bem mais ou menos mais eu não leria novamente. "O sono agarra as bordas da minha consciência, mas é então que percebo o quão profundos são meus sentimentos por este homem. Estou apaixonada por ele. Eu sou apaixonada por ele. Eu me enrolo mais perto dele, sabendo que não conseguirei dormir ain... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 104
ranking 27
ranking 38
ranking 24
ranking 9
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
17/01/2023 17:27:51
editou em:
25/02/2023 15:01:20

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