One Dance With a Duke

One Dance With a Duke Tessa Dare


One Dance With a Duke (Stud Club #1)

In One Dance with a Duke - the first novel in Tessa Dare's delightful new trilogy - secrets and scandals tempt the irresistible rogues of the Stud Club to gamble everything for love.

A handsome and reclusive horse breeder, Spencer Dumarque, the fourth Duke of Morland, is a member of the exclusive Stud Club, an organization so select it has only ten members - yet membership is attainable to anyone with luck. And Spencer has plenty of it, along with an obsession with a prize horse, a dark secret, and, now, a reputation as the dashing 'Duke of Midnight.' Each evening he selects one lady for a breathtaking midnight waltz. But none of the women catch his interest, and nobody ever bests the duke - until Lady Amelia d'Orsay tries her luck.

In a moment of desperation, the unconventional beauty claims the duke's dance and unwittingly steals his heart. When Amelia demands that Spencer forgive her scapegrace brother's debts, she never imagines that her game of wits and words will lead to breathless passion and a steamy proposal. Still, Spencer is a man of mystery, perhaps connected to the shocking murder of the Stud Club's founder. Will Amelia lose her heart in this reckless wager or win everlasting love?

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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One Dance With a Duke


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Twice Tempted by a Rogue
Three Nights with a Scoundrel
The Duchess Deal

Resenhas para One Dance With a Duke (6)

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Tessa não decepciona!
on 22/6/23

Ai gente, eu sou viciada nos livros dessa mulher, se vejo um que não li já vou correndo para fazer isso. Este livro como todos os outros dessa mulher não me decepcionou, eu amei cada segundo e todos os personagens (mesmo que a tradução que fiz sozinha aqui deu umas bugada kkkk). Mas como sempre, ela tem o jeito certo de construir homens dos sonhos e o mocinho daqui é apaixonante demais. Tudo bem que acho que algumas coisas que aconteceram com ele deveriam ter sido melhor explicada par... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 46
ranking 41
ranking 33
ranking 24
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
07/03/2010 02:46:38
editou em:
03/01/2022 11:43:40

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