Ordinary Monsters

Ordinary Monsters J.M. Miro


Ordinary Monsters (The Talents Series #Book 1)

There in the shadows was a figure in a cloak, at the bottom of the cobblestone stair, and it turned and stared up at them as still and unmoving as a pillar of darkness, but it had no face, only smoke . . .

1882. North of Edinburgh, on the edge of an isolated loch, lies an institution of crumbling stone, where a strange doctor collects orphans with unusual abilities. In London, two children with such powers are hunted by a figure of darkness - a man made of smoke.

Charlie Ovid discovers a gift for healing himself through a brutal upbringing in Mississippi, while Marlowe, a foundling from a railway freight, glows with a strange bluish light. When two grizzled detectives are recruited to escort them north to safety, they are confronted by a sinister, dangerous force that threatens to upend the world as they know it.

What follows is a journey from the gaslit streets of London to the lochs of Scotland, where other gifted children - the Talents - have been gathered at Cairndale Institute, and the realms of the dead and the living collide. As secrets within the Institute unfurl, Marlowe, Charlie and the rest of the Talents will discover the truth about their abilities and the nature of the force that is stalking them: that the worst monsters sometimes come bearing the sweetest gifts.

Fantasia / Ficção

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Ordinary Monsters


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Não estava preparada
on 20/2/23

Eu acho que é isso, eu não estava preparada pra o que o esse livro seria e o quanto ele iria me mexer comigo. Pra começar, eu comprei ele por "acidente", porque tinha levado até o caixa só pra saber o preço e a atendente não entendeu o que eu disse e eu fiquei com vergonha de insistir e aí acabei comprando mesmo (caríssimo, inclusive). Então eu não sabia muito o que esperar além do fato de que seria um livro de fantasia. E realmente é, uma ótima fantasia na verdade, melhor do que os ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/09/2022 00:15:21
Bibi Souza
editou em:
04/09/2022 00:19:18