Our Overtime

Our Overtime S. C. Kate


Our Overtime (Ice League #1)

Exiting an NHL career early because of concussions was never in Greyson Scott’s plan, but things hadn’t happened according to plan for a long time. Turning to coaching in the closest thing to a hometown he’s ever had becomes the next best answer…

But when he sees the only girl he’s ever loved at the tryout - for her son, no doubt- he rethinks this decision.

Thinking about seeing her in the stands looking down at him with a husband by her side all season long just about kills him.

His urgent mission- find out the kid’s last name and make sure he doesn’t make his team.


Getting married to her husband wasn’t her first choice, and neither was ending up a divorcee at 31. But Jules finally escaped the loveless marriage with her new little love - her eight-year-old son Canyon.

Her new plans- move back to her hometown, sign Canyon up for a hockey tryout at her old rink, and create their new life together.

It’s only when she sees familiar handwriting on the tryout sign-in sheet that she questions all of her old and new plans.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Our Overtime


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Our Preseason
Our Teammate

Resenhas para Our Overtime (7)

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Grey and Jules ??
on 23/4/22

A história desse dois é incrível e viciante!! Desde o começo ele me prendeu de um jeito que mds do céu. Ele fala principalmente de como o Grey e a Jules se apaixonaram bem jovens mas que no final das contas não ficaram junto por um mal entendi idiota (mas importante)? e mais tarde, tipo, uma década depois esse dois personagens incríveis se reencontram e né o romance dessas soulmates acontece ???? Recomendo MUITO essa leitura, ainda mais pra quem quer começar a ler livros com o plot d... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 48
ranking 17
ranking 46
ranking 33
ranking 2
ranking 2



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
09/11/2021 11:08:10
Thaynara L.
editou em:
31/01/2022 23:44:44

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