Outline of Prophetic Events

Outline of Prophetic Events Bruce Anstey


Outline of Prophetic Events

Chronologically Arranged from the Rapture to the Eternal State

As with Bruce Anstey’s other works, you will find Outline of Prophetic Events to be very neatly organized with many subheadings and supporting Bible references. I’ve found this approach to be especially helpful in getting a good foundation in prophetic truth.

Three extensive appendices provide many more details of interest. They are A Summary of Battles During the Indignation, Indications of the Nearness of the Lord’s Coming and a very helpful one, The Church Will NOT Go Through the Tribulation. This last provides an avalanche of scriptural proofs that the bride of Christ will be with Him when the focus of His work on earth shifts to judgment.

Any study of prophecy is extremely morally healthy when taken up in a spirit other than mere curiosity or a wonkish desire to be an expert. After all, knowing of the Lord’s immediate return, His ways in judgment and righteousness and His coming public display of glory are thrilling for any heart attached to Christ. Outline of Prophetic Events provides an excellent way to get a grasp of the big picture. I’ve also found Prophetic Scriptures by Clarence Lunden to be a helpful accompaniment. Another excellent moral refresher might be found in Behold the Bridegroom by Wolston, which contains far more than a treatment of the rapture.

Religião e Espiritualidade

Edições (5)

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on 9/5/21

O livro relata a partir da visão do escritor, o seu entendendo sobre as profecias da Bíblia. Acredito que vale a pena todo cristão fazer a leitura desse livro para maior conhecimento da palavra de Deus e as promessas de seu retorno. Vale ressaltar que para maior entendimento seria interessante seguir as indicações em comparar, com os versículos da Bíblia, as profecias e suas descrições confirmo o relato nas palavras do autor.... leia mais


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