Patch Up

Patch Up Stephanie Witter


Patch Up #1

Skye followed her long time boyfriend to Seattle for their first year of college, but he dumped her after only a week. The relationship brought only pain and destruction in Skye's life, and yet, she can't bring herself to open up and live her life.

"What if I am already broken into pieces?"

She hates to be touched, hiding under her oversized shirts and behind her wild frizzy hair. Even her bubbly roommate can't reach her. And yet ...

"I'm the guy who knows how you can hurt so much that your insides feel like they're cut and bleeding."

The tall, handsome, and tattooed TA in her psychology class changes everything when he literally collides with her and confronts her. For the first time in a long time, she wants to try and open up to this guy whose dark, intense eyes can't hide his own pain despite his dazzling smile getting to her.

However, just when she's starting to live again, her ex-boyfriend comes back, breaking her time and time again, making it all the more complicated.

She wants to fight for herself and for this building thing with the TA, even when he pushes her away, but can two broken people patch each other up?

"I never thought colliding with someone could change lives, but it is possible."

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Patch Up


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Intenso, verdadeiro e apaixonante...
on 27/4/15

Quando comecei a ler esse livro pensei: "ah, mais um sobre mocinha quebrada com herói que salva o dia", e não poderia ter me enganado mais. O texto é intenso, forte, cru e tão real, não é um conto de fadas onde tudo se ajeita perfeitamente e todos vivem felizes para sempre. É uma história que fala de dor, perda, abuso e como é confuso e difícil superar tais problemas. É o tipo de história que prende sua atenção, mas te deixa angustiada ao ler. E quando termina você fica tentando se e... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
22/04/2015 10:40:19