Pavilion of Women

Pavilion of Women Pearl S. Buck


Pavilion of Women

A Novel of Life in the Women's Quarters

At forty, Madame Wu is beautiful and much respected as the wife of one of China’s oldest upper-class houses. Her birthday wish is to find a young concubine for her husband and to move to separate quarters, starting a new chapter of her life. When her wish is granted, she finds herself at leisure, no longer consumed by running a sixty-person household. Now she’s free to read books previously forbidden her, to learn English, and to discover her own mind. The family in the compound are shocked at the results, especially when she begins learning from a progressive, excommunicated Catholic priest. In its depiction of life in the compound, Pavilion of Women includes some of Buck’s most enchanting writing about the seasons, daily rhythms, and customs of women in China. It is a delightful parable about the sexes, and of the profound and transformative effects of free thought.

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Pearl S. Buck including rare images from the author’s estate.

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Pavilion of Women
Pavilion of Women


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on 28/5/10

O começo do livro eram bem promissor. Ele conta a história de uma elegante mulher chinesa de educada de acordo com antiquadas tradições. Estas ditam que a mulher não é mais que a parcela da família responsável pela disseminação da espécie e, por este motivo, deve cumprir seu papel como dona de casa. Madame Wu, a protagonista, ao atingir os 40 anos de idade, sente que seu papel como "ser reprodutor" está cumprido. Entretanto, ela ainda tem uma coisa em mente: tendo em vista que seu mari... leia mais


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