Prince of Sins and Shadows

Prince of Sins and Shadows Emily Blackwood


Prince of Sins and Shadows (Fae of Rewyth #2)

Prince of Sins and Shadows: Fae of Rewyth Book 2

House of Lies and Sorrow
Prince of Sins and Shadows
Show no weakness. Yield no mercy.

Jade may have survived her wedding night in the ruthless kingdom of Rewyth, but her battle is far from over.
Thrown into yet another new world, Jade is forced to fight between her heart and her intuition as humans and fae pull her in opposite directions. Jade is no longer the only human in sight, yet she finds herself defending the fae more and more.

Malachi's life is thrown into a spiral as he learns more about his father's lies, his mother's secrets, and his wife's destiny. He is willing to protect Jade at all costs, even if she's in more danger with every passing day. Fighting his instincts as the Prince of Shadows, Malachi is forced to submit to human ruling, following his mother's plan to unite humans and fae and create peace in the human kingdom of Fearford.

Jade and Malachi's journey continues in Prince of Sins and Shadows as new enemies, ancient prophecies, and mythical creatures threaten them every step of the way. Will their bond defy the true nature of who they really are? Or will they succumb to the strong forces that pull them apart?

Prince of Sins and Shadows is book 2 in the Fae of Rewyth series, a Young Adult Arranged Marriage Fae Fantasy Romance series. Readers who love slow-burn romances, enemies-to-lovers, classic fantasy romance tropes, and broody winged males will love this series!

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Prince of Sins and Shadows


Resenhas para Prince of Sins and Shadows (1)

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Pior que o primeiro
on 21/1/24

Comecei o livro na expectativa de ser melhor do que o primeiro, mas infelizmente isso não aconteceu. Há um monte de frases de efeito, perfeitas para colocar em um vídeo do tiktok e atrair leitores. Os protagonistas ficam cada vez mais cansativos e tudo parece uma grande enrolação. O livro prepara o terreno para o que irá acontecer no livro seguinte, porém é cansativo e não acrescenta muito na história, apenas meu estresse.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 7
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cadastrou em:
01/12/2022 20:49:43
editou em:
01/12/2022 20:50:13

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