Princes of Ash

Princes of Ash Samantha Rue
Angel Lawson


Princes of Ash (Royals of Forsyth University #08)

Royals of Forsyth U

To create is to reign.”

The phrase uttered by the Princes of Forsyth is no longer a motto, but a harsh truth: I’m carrying the East End heir.

My pregnancy announcement wasn’t the only bomb dropped at the Princes’ annual Valentine’s Day party. I’d revealed to the entire world that Rufus Ashby is an abusive man who rules his sons with a sadistic bent, terrorizing them into becoming the best soldiers a father can create.

Turns out, I’m not the only one fighting for survival in this house of horrors.

Whitaker- He’s beautiful and broken, and though my betrayal of him may be my biggest regret, he makes it difficult to feel guilty.

Pace- The same paranoia which makes him viciously cling to the things he loves also drives him to lock them away.

Lex- His brilliance is matched only by his loyalty, but there’s two sides to the man who wanders into my room at night.

It’s not just the Palace that’s haunted by evil men; it’s the very soil the structure is built on. I’ll soon come to find the traumatic bonds that link my Princes to one another are more than mere shackles.

If I want the Monarchs to succeed, if I want this baby to have a chance, if I want to survive…

I have no choice but to break the ties of the Ashby brothers the same way I destroy the Palace.

Brick by brick.


Edições (2)

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Princes of Ash
Princes of Ash


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Resenhas para Princes of Ash (9)

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Se eu senti ódio pelos príncipes, não me lembro!
on 19/11/23

Começando essa resenha pra dizer MEU DEUS EU PRECISO RESPIRAR!!! esse livro superou TODAS as minhas expectativas, eu saí do primeiro livro odiando os príncipes e nem mesmo gostei muito da dinâmica do livro, mas tinham tantas pontas soltas que eu precisava saber do desfecho. Esse livro entrega muito em conteúdo, definitivamente aqui temos as respostas pra muitas coisas (não todas) que aconteceram, muita ação, redenção de personagens e um desenvolvimento melhor nos relacionamentos. P... leia mais


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ranking 31
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