Quiet Girl in a Noisy World

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World Debbie Tung


Quiet Girl in a Noisy World

An Introvert's Story

Sweet, funny, and quietly poignant, Debbie Tung's comics reveal the ups and downs of coming of age as an introvert.

This illustrated gift book of short comics illuminates author Debbie Tung's experience as an introvert in an extrovert's world. Presented in a loose narrative style that can be read front to back or dipped into at one's leisure, the book spans three years of Debbie's life, from the end of college to the present day. In these early years of adulthood, Debbie slowly but finally discovers there is a name for her lifelong need to be alone: she's an introvert.

The first half of the book traces Debbie's final year in college: socializing with peers, dating, falling in love (with an extrovert!), moving in, getting married, meeting new people, and simply trying to fit in. The second half looks at her life after graduation: finding a job, learning to live with her new husband, trying to understand social obligations when it comes to the in-laws, and navigating office life. Ultimately, Quiet Girl sends a positive, pro-introvert message: our heroine learns to embrace her introversion and finds ways to thrive in the world while fulfilling her need for quiet.

HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Quiet Girl in a Noisy World


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Book Love
Reading Quirks
Uma bolota molenga e feliz
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Resenhas para Quiet Girl in a Noisy World (7)

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on 26/9/20

Uma história simples, de leitura rápida. Essa grafic novel, relata a vida e os conflitos de uma pessoa que é apaixonada por livros e prefere evitar o máximo possível contato com outras pessoas. É divertido ver os conflitos que a Debby passa no decorrer da história, sendo uma pessoa bem racional e decidindo as coisas usando listas de prós e contras.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 128
ranking 55
ranking 33
ranking 11
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
07/12/2017 23:29:24
editou em:
16/05/2018 00:59:23

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