Ravenhold: Magic Forged

Ravenhold: Magic Forged LJ Swallow


Ravenhold: Magic Forged (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy #2)

There’s a way to escape from Ravenhold, but I won’t be free.

When I arrived on the island, I believed the other hybrids at the reform academy were my greatest enemies. Now they’re my closest allies inside the corrupt institution.

Apart from one. Dorian Blackwood.

The seductive vampire hybrid almost stole my blood and magic. Dorian wants my power and thinks he can weaken me, but I saw the truth when we kissed. I weaken him.

A new witch arrives at the academy, and he claims that we can escape the magic-locked island, but I don’t want any dealings with this familiar face. The guy takes control of the witches, but Dorian doesn’t punish the student who challenges his authority. Why?

As we navigate the power plays around us, I learn more about Zeke’s mysterious past and push through his barriers, but Ethan continues to struggle with how much his dragon half controls him. We’re united now, but would a life outside Ravenhold pull us apart?

With Dorian’s and the newcomer’s help, we have a genuine chance of escape, but nothing happens by chance in this place. Who sent somebody to free the hybrids, and what awaits the four of us in the outside world?

What will happen if a vengeful Dorian Blackwood is unleashed on our society?

Magic Forged is the second book in the Ravenhold series from USA Today bestselling author LJ Swallow.

The books are set in a supernatural reform academy with deliciously dangerous guys and a badass heroine who won't bow to anyone. Ravenhold is a slow burn, enemies to lovers why choose romance series. The books are steamier and have darker themes than the Nightworld Academy series.

Ravenhold: Witch Born must be read first.

Fantasia / Romance

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Ravenhold: Magic Forged


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Descrição traduzida

Existe uma maneira de escapar de Ravenhold, mas não serei livre. Quando cheguei à ilha, acreditava que os outros híbridos da academia de reforma eram meus maiores inimigos. Agora eles são meus aliados mais próximos dentro da instituição corrupta. Além de um. Dorian Blackwood. O sedutor vampiro híbrido quase roubou meu sangue e minha magia. Dorian quer meu poder e acha que pode me enfraquecer, mas eu vi a verdade quando nos beijamos. Eu o enfraqueça. Uma nova bruxa chega à academia ... leia mais


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