Red Witch

Red Witch Katerina Martinez


Red Witch

From USA Today Bestselling author Katerina Martinez A hunter becomes the hunted. A witch faces down her nemesis. The stakes have never been higher. The veil of shadows surrounding my nemesis is lifted when a contact of Collette's comes forward with information he claims is valuable. The catch? He's all the way in Berlin, the German capital, and he isn't leaving his circle of protection for any witch. Making the decision to go and find this witch is easy, but living with it isn't; not when Aaron comes out of left-field with a question I wasn't sure I was ready to hear until I heard it. Collette's contact could be the key to defeating Acheris or, at the very least, he might become an ally in the fight, so I have no choice but to travel to Europe even though Aaron can't come with me. But a mysterious blocking of communications separates me from the rest of the coven back home, leaving Collette and I alone to defend against whatever the devil's witch and her minions have in store for us. Meanwhile, back in sleepy Raven's Glen, an ill wind blows; and Frank, Damien, and Aaron are about to run into trouble of their own... Inspired by fantastic authors such as Karen Marie Moning, Richelle Mead, and Shannon Mayer, True Witch is the first book in Katerina's remastered Amber Lee series of urban fantasy novels. Like deep mysteries, magick so real you could almost touch it, and plenty of romantic twists and turns? This is the book for you! Note that this book was once called The Red Witch. It has been remastered and re-branded in order to bring it up to speed, but it is the same book; the story has only changed in minor ways. Do not buy this book if you have already bought and read Red Witch. THE AMBER LEE SERIES 1. True Witch 2. Dark Witch 3. Shadow Witch 4. Red Witch 5. Devil's Witch (Coming Soon...) Buy Red Witch today, and enjoy the ride!

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