The Demon King Always Thinks I

The Demon King Always Thinks I'm Secretly In Love With Him


The Demon King Always Thinks I'm Secretly In Love With Him

Autor: Dong Fang Huang Gua

Bai Yang is the youngest son of a rich family who grew up spoiled, unambitious and having no one expect anything from him. He doesn't really mind this though, because he's still able to live a simple and happy life.

One day, however, his older brother got into an accident and is now comatose. Bai Yang's father now has to consider his youngest son to take over the family business. Unfortunately for him, Bai Yang is a weak, timid, and cowardly child. How can he ever succeed?

Wanting to change his son's personality, the father has Bai Yang transmigrated into the world of Wild Wind, a very famous fantasy novel. Bai Yang's father hopes the environment of that world will shape his son to be more arrogant and domineering, as a child of a wealthy scion family ought to be.

However, due to an error with the Main System, instead of transmigrating as the protagonist, Bai Yang ends up becoming a cannon fodder villain, Xie Zietian, from the Demon Realm! In order to safely and quickly return to his world, Bai Yang has to ensure that the protagonist, Zhou Ying, ascends to the heavens so his transmigration mission will be complete.

In order to sneak into the human realm and help Zhou Ying, Bai Yang comes up with a variety of excuses to the Demon King of Eternal Night, such as...

Bai Yang, in a dignified manner: "Your Majesty, that person might threaten the demon world. I went to the human world to kill him for you!" (Actually, I went there to meet the protagonist.)

Bai Yang, proclaiming his loyalty: "Your Majesty, hang in there. I will go to the human world to find the elixir for you!" (Actually, I went there to save the protagonist.)

Bai Yang, with an attitude of selfless dedication: "Your Majesty, I just want to go to the human world to further your great cause!" (Actually, I went there to see the protagonist.)

The Demon King's face remained impassive but, in fact, the tips of his ears were red. He was thinking: I can't believe he loves me so deeply...

Demon King: "Hmph! Seeing how clingy you are, I'll accept your love. Tell me! Whatever you need, I'll give it to you!"

Bai Yang: "****! Your Majesty, I don't love you."

Demon King: "No, you love me."

The Demon King truly believed Bai Yang and he shared a deep mutual love until he discovered that Bai Yang was having an "affair" with a "wild human"...

LGBT / GLS / Aventura / Humor, Comédia / Romance

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The Demon King Always Thinks I


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É engraçado
on 3/10/23

O livro não tem nada de muito original Mas me arrancou risadas sinceras A escrita é meio fraca, não tem muito acontecendo e os tópicos apresentados ficam em aberto, a ideia de ser um jogo me decepcionou um pouco e o final me pareceu forçado, mas encaixou.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 27
ranking 7
ranking 41
ranking 37
ranking 11
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
30/09/2020 10:18:38
editou em:
02/03/2022 21:04:24

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