Ruthless Prince

Ruthless Prince Faith Summers


Ruthless Prince (Dark Syndicate #1)

We were destined for disaster from the second we met …

Massimo D’Agostino is the heir to his father’s empire.
Don’t be fooled by his handsome face, or that piercing blue gaze.
He’s no prince charming.
He’s dangerous and feared, possessive and fierce.

Our first meeting began with a contract that forced me to marry him and sign my life away.
I was a debt repayment and a pawn in his game to exact revenge against my father.
The only way out is death.

I belong to him now.
Me, the Balesteri Mafia Princess.
Pure and untouched…
Owned by the devil who placed me in a gilded cage.

But something unexpected happened the moment our paths collided.
It made me want more of what he had to offer every time I lay beneath him.

Then the past came knocking at the door and dark secrets scattered at my feet.
Suddenly I don’t know truth from lies.
Or, who the monster in this story is.
I thought it was my husband.
Now I’m not so sure…

“Ruthless Prince” is the first book in the Dark Syndicate series. It is a stand-alone Dark Mafia Enemies to Lovers Arranged Marriage Romance, complete with HEA and no cliffhangers.

Please note: this book is a dark mafia romance that contains mature content, graphic violence and may contain triggers. If such materials offend you, please do not read.


Edições (1)

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Ruthless Prince


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Massimo & Emelia ?
on 17/10/22

Foi uma ótima leitura envolvendo o que amo: máfia. Não vou dizer que foi uma leitura suprema, pois tiveram momentos que poderiam ter sido melhores. Pra mim a mocinha pediu muita desculpas sendo que convenhamos, o Massimo deveria beijar o chão que ela pisa. Ele era o errado o tempo todo e fica bravo por ela acreditar nas palavras de outros sendo que ele não tinha nada ao seu favor por conta de suas atitudes com ela. Ela era muito fácil pra perdoar. Isso me irritou. O começo é perfeito. ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 55
ranking 22
ranking 47
ranking 20
ranking 7
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
15/06/2021 23:34:45
editou em:
15/06/2021 23:36:15

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