Sasaki to Miyano #7

Sasaki to Miyano #7


Sasaki to Miyano #7 (Sasaki to Miyano)

Chapters 33.5 to 39

Getting used to being in a relationship, Sasaki and Miyano spend tender moments together. Valentine's Day is around the corner and Miyano does not only take up the chance to make chocolate with Sasaki together, but also comes out to his mother. Ogasawara figures out that his best friend and Miyano are dating - and gets worried whether he can still keep his calm around them and not think about them when his girlfriend talks about BL. With all the support they are receiving, Sasaki comes out to his sister as well; and after a heartfelt talk between her and Miyano, they eventually bond. Sasaki passes his college entrance exams and finally graduates - and though this means that his time at the school is eventually ending, it also means that his and Miyano's relationship is taking the next step.

The extra chapter tells us a little story of Miyano and Sasaki spending some time together at home after they were surprised by a sudden rain shower.

The second extra chapter is about Kagiura feeling a tiny litte bit jealous about Hirano being close to another student's dog - as well as Kagiura planning to give a little gift to Hirano.

HQ, comics, mangá / LGBT / GLS

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Sasaki to Miyano #7


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Resenhas para Sasaki to Miyano #7 (9)

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on 5/2/22

Sasaki to Myiano é um mangá, em que o romance é um slow slow slow burn. Então aproveite a jornada, aproveite cada momento pois é muito gratificante. Em cada volume podemos acompanhar os meninos dando um passo em seu relacionamento. Desde se conhecer, até cada um entender seus sentimentos, conseguir se confessar, e começar a namorar. Nesse volume #7 eles finalmente estão namorando, e as coisas vão de 0 a 100 bem rápido em comparação aos outros volumes. E aqui temos as famílias sabend... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.8 / 172
ranking 83
ranking 15
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
06/03/2021 00:08:34
editou em:
10/01/2023 01:49:57

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