She and Her Cat

She and Her Cat Makoto Shinkai


She and Her Cat

For fans of Mieko Kawakami’s Breasts and Eggs and Murata Sayaka’s Earthlings, this Japanese bestseller from renowned anime director Makoto Shinkai features four inspirational and heartwarming vignettes following women and their cats in their quests for love and connection.

Lying alone on the edge of the sidewalk in an abandoned cardboard box, a nameless narrator contemplates the indifferent world around him. With his mother long gone, his only company is the sound of the nearby train. Just as he fears that the end is near, a young woman peers down at him, this fateful encounter changing their lives forever.

So begins the first story in She and Her Cat, a collection of four interrelated, stream-of-conscious short stories in which four women and their feline companions explore the frailty of life, the pain of isolation, and the limits of communication.

With clever narration alternating between the cats and their owners, She and Her Cat offers a unique and sly commentary on human foibles and our desire for connection. A whimsical short story anthology unlike any other, it effortlessly demonstrates that even in our darkest, most lonesome moments, we are still united to this wonderous world—often in ways we could never have expected.

Línguas Estrangeiras

Edições (3)

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She and her Cat
She and Her Cat
She and her cat


Resenhas para She and Her Cat (2)

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on 26/2/24

Li a novel porque sou apaixonada pelo mangá. É uma história super aconchegante e agridoce também e, como de costume na literatura japonesa, sempre reflexiva sobre a vida, as dores e as delícias de existir. No entanto, por ser dividido em contos e apresentar outros personagens, diferentemente do mangá, senti que alguns deles terminaram de maneira abrupta ou com um desenvolvimento fraco, que acabou não gerando tanta conexão com o enredo. Apesar de todas as histórias se conectarem de al... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 23
ranking 26
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cadastrou em:
16/01/2023 19:08:41
editou em:
16/01/2023 19:08:58

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