Sick Boys

Sick Boys Clarissa Wild


Sick Boys

A Dark Bully RH Romance

I didn't believe them when they said they would corrupt me.
I was wrong. So wrong.

The night my sister died, a piece of me died with her, so I made a vow.
I'm going to enroll at Spine Ridge University just like her, find the person responsible ... and make them pay.

Until I meet three sick boys of the Skull & Serpent Society: Felix, Dylan, Alistair. Rude, heartless, vicious guys who are obsessed with making me regret I ever stepped foot on campus.

They make me a deal: My body in exchange for a glimpse at their violence.
Refusing them is impossible, denying them is insane.

They're rough, greedy, and every second with them is filled with depravity.
Their venom is jabbed straight into my heart and I'm sucked into their world.
All for the sake of revenge.

Until it becomes something more.
Something priceless.
Something all four of us would kill for.

Sick Boys is a thrilling new Dark Bully RH Romance standalone by New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Clarissa Wild. WARNING: This book includes scenes that may be disturbing to some readers. Please check the list inside the book.

Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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Sick Boys


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Muito bom
on 30/1/24

Resolvi me aventurar em um livro em inglês e queria dizer que eu amei essa experiência, os meninos são uns queridos, a Pen é foda pra 🤬 #$%!& aaaaaaa tinha tomado ódio do Felix no meio do livro, porém no final o querido se redimiu kkkkkkk gostei bastante... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 39
ranking 36
ranking 18
ranking 33
ranking 10
ranking 3



i'm a sadness poet
cadastrou em:
15/04/2023 05:12:20
i'm a sadness poet
editou em:
15/04/2023 05:12:43

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