Someone Like You

Someone Like You Lauren Layne


Someone Like You (Oxford #3)

Lauren Layne’s bestselling Oxford Series continues with the poignant, heartwarming story of New York’s most eligible bachelor, Lincoln Mathis, a man who’s living a lie—until his dream woman takes away the pain.

Lincoln Mathis doesn’t hide his reputation as Manhattan’s ultimate playboy. In fact, he cultivates it. But behind every flirtatious smile, each provocative quip, there’s a secret that Lincoln’s hiding from even his closest friends—a tragedy from his past that holds his heart quietly captive. Lincoln knows what he wants: someone like Daisy Sinclair, the sassy, off-limits bridesmaid he can’t take his eyes off at his best friend’s wedding. He also knows that she’s everything he can never have.

After a devastating divorce, Daisy doesn’t need anyone to warn her off the charming best man at her sister’s wedding. One look at the breathtakingly hot Lincoln Mathis and she knows that he’s exactly the type of man she should avoid. But when Daisy stumbles upon Lincoln’s secret, she realizes there’s more to the charming playboy than meets the eye. And suddenly Daisy and Lincoln find their lives helplessly entwined in a journey that will either heal their damaged souls . . . or destroy them forever.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Someone Like You
Someone Like You


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I Wish You Were Mine
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Chorei horrores!
on 30/8/20

Someone Like You é o terceiro volume da série Oxford, e meus amigos, eu nunca chorei tanto lendo um romance. Lincoln Mathis é um homem que vive uma mentira. Todos acreditam que ele é um mulherengo inveterado, mas isso é apenas um papel que ele se permite viver para não responder determinadas perguntas sobre sua vida. A única pessoa capaz de entendê-lo é Daisy Sinclair, quem ele conhece há apenas algumas horas, durante o casamento de Emma. Daisy Sinclair é uma beldade sulista, assim c... leia mais


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ranking 48
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editou em:
05/07/2020 21:06:34

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