Spoilt Rotten

Spoilt Rotten Theodore Dalrymple


Spoilt Rotten

The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality

Not since Christopher Hitchens assault on Mother Theresa have so many sacred cows been slaughtered in such a short volume.' Spectator 'One of our most celebrated essayists.' Toby Young, Mail on Sunday '[A] cultural highlight.' Observer 'Surgical demolition.' Guardian In this perceptive and witty book, Theodore Dalrymple unmasks the hidden sentimentality that is suffocating public life. Under the multiple guises of raising children well, caring for the underprivileged, assisting the less able and doing good generally, we are achieving quite the opposite "€“for the single purpose of feeling good about ourselves. Dalrymple takes the reader on both an entertaining and at times shocking journey through social, political, popular and literary issues as diverse as child tantrums, aggression, educational reform, honour killings, sexual abuse, Che Guevara, Eric Segal, Romeo and Juliet, the McCanns, public emotions and the role of suffering, and shows the perverse results when we abandon logic in favour of the cult of feeling.Not since Christopher Hitchens assault on Mother Theresa have so many sacred cows been slaughtered in such a short volume.' Spectator 'One of our most celebrated essayists.' Toby Young, Mail on Sunday '[A] cultural highlight.' Observer 'Surgical demolition.' Guardian In this perceptive and witty book, Theodore Dalrymple unmasks the hidden sentimentality that is suffocating public life. Under the multiple guises of raising children well, caring for the underprivileged, assisting the less able and doing good generally, we are achieving quite the opposite –for the single purpose of feeling good about ourselves. Dalrymple takes the reader on both an entertaining and at times shocking journey through social, political, popular and literary issues as diverse as child tantrums, aggression, educational reform, honour killings, sexual abuse, Che Guevara, Eric Segal, Romeo and Juliet, the McCanns, public emotions and the role of suffering, and shows the perverse results when we abandon logic in favour of the cult of feeling.


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Spoilt Rotten


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Theodore Dalrymple
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on 28/4/21

Comecei com um certo pé atrás, principalmente por conta de outras resenhas, para falar a verdade fui até um pouco preconceituoso. Queria ler o livro mas me deixei levar por influência e de certo modo, botei na cabeça que não iria gostar, mas o livro me deu um soco na cara da metade pro final. O começo é de certa forma monótono, não é tão empolgante ou envolvente, e acredito que por isso muitas resenhas o citam como muito exclusivo a visão de vida do autor, mas é totalmente o oposto. El... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 8
ranking 38
ranking 50
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cadastrou em:
06/01/2016 16:08:09
editou em:
10/06/2017 23:01:08