Star Trek TNG: Nightshade

Star Trek TNG: Nightshade Laurell K. Hamilton


Star Trek TNG: Nightshade (The Next Generation #24)

Depois de 200 anos de guerra civil o planeta Oriana está morrendo. A maioria da vegetação morreu, o ar está quase irrespirável e as pessoas estão morrendo. Agora, as duas facções beligerantes finalmente se sentaram para falar de paz, e Capitão Picard e a USS Enterprise são mandados para negociar um acordo.

Newly reissued, the exciting Star Trek novel from New York Times bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton! -- "After 200 years of civil war, the planet Oriana is dying. Most of the surface vegetation is gone, the air is almost unbreathable, and the population is nearly extinct. The two warring factions have finally agreed to talk peace, and Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are sent to help them negotiate a settlement. Picard, Lt. Worf, and Counsellor Troi beam down to Oriana, just as the Enterprise is called away on another urgent mission. Alone on the planet, the U.S.S. Enterprise team learns that there are people who would rather finish the devastating conflict than talk peace. Now, Worf and Troi must prevent planet-wide disaster, before time runs out.…'.'

[From the book jacket]: 'After two hundred years of civil war the planet Oriana is dying. Most of the surface vegetation is gone, the air is nearly unbreathable, and the people themselves are dying. Now, the two warring factions have finally sat down to talk peace, and Captain Picard and the USS Enterprise are sent to help them negotiate a settlement. Picard, Lt. Worf, and Counselor Troi beam down to Oriana, just as the Starship Enterprise is called away on another urgent mission. Alone on the planet, the USS Enterprise team learns that there are people that would rather finish the devastating conflict than talk peace. Suddenly, Picard is accused of murder and the delicate negotiations have fallen into the hands of Lt. Worf. Now, Worf and Troi must unravel the truth and prevent planet-wide disaster, before time runs out for the people of Oriana and the crew of the Starship Enterprise'.'

[About the Author] Laurell K. Hamilton is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of two series that mix mystery, fantasy, magic, horror and romance. Her Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter novels from Berkley Books began with GUILTY PLEASURES (now a hugely successful graphic novel from Marvel - the first sexy paranormal comic ever!) and continues with the SKIN TRADE, number seventeen in the series, in which Anita's complex personal and professional relationships with a master vampire and an alpha werewolf continue to evolve. There are now more than 6 million copies of Anita in print worldwide, in 16 languages. Hamilton's Ballantine series features Fey princess and private investigator, Merry Gentry and there are now six novels exceeding one million copies in print. Divine Misdemeanors, the eighth in the series will debut Octobe 29, 2009. She lives in St. Louis County Missouri with her husband Jonathon Green, daughter, one pug dog and one boxer/pug dog...

Literatura Estrangeira / Aventura / Entretenimento / Romance / Ficção científica

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Star Trek TNG: Nightshade


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