Star Trek TNG: Unification

Star Trek TNG: Unification Jeri Taylor


Star Trek TNG: Unification

A história da jornada proibida de Spock ao coração do Império Romulano - e as tentativas desesperadas da USS Enterprise de descobrir a razão de sua missão lá. |...| Unification (Star Trek: The Next Generation) -- Based on the epic two-part television episode, here now is the story STAR TREK fans have awaited for five long years, the story that bring together Spock -- the enigmatic Vulcan who personified the original, classic STAR TREK -- with the crew of the Next Generation.
Screenwriter Teri Taylor brings all the excitement and wonder that have captivated fans of the smash television series STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION to this story of Spock's forbidden journey into the heart of the Romulan Empire -- and the U.S.S. Enterprise's desperate attempts to discover the reasons for his mission there.
Join now with Captain Picard, Lieutenant Commander Data, and the rest of the Next Generation crew on a voyage of unsurpassed adventure, a voyage that brings them to the edge of history -- and forces them to confront a shattering betrayal! |...| Editorial Reviews
From the Publisher
Picard and the EnterpriseTM crew are sent to investigate what appears to be the defection of Ambassador Spock to Romulus. Captain Picard and Lt. Cmdr. Data disguise themselves as Romulans and are transported to Romulus. There they discover that Spock is actually attempting the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus, and working with a Romulan underground movement. Picard's Romulan nemesis, Command Sela, reappears and captures the Starfleet officers and the ambassador, all as part of a plan to conquer Vulcan. The three must escape from their Romulan prison and foil the Sela's plans for invasion. |...| [About the Author] Jeri Taylor is a co-creator and executive producer of Star Trek: VoyagerTM. She also served as an executive producer for Star Trek: The Next Generation®. She lives in California.

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Star Trek TNG: Unification


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09/02/2009 17:51:41

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