Summer Promise/A Whisper and a Wish/Yours Forever

Summer Promise/A Whisper and a Wish/Yours Forever Robin Jones Gunn


Summer Promise/A Whisper and a Wish/Yours Forever (Christy Miller Collection #1)

Summer Promise

Fourteen-year-old Christy Miller has the dream summer ahead of her in sun-kissed California, staying with her aunt and uncle at their beachfront home. Aunt Marti loves to shop, and those surfers are cute—especially Todd. Christy promised her parents she wouldn’t do anything she’d regret later, and some of her beach friends are a little wild. But Todd and his “God-Lover” friends are giving Christy a new image of all things eternal. Can this summer live up to its promise?

A Whisper and a Wish

Christy’s family has moved to California just in time for her sophomore year of high school. But they’re not in Newport Beach, where she spent the summer. Instead they’re an hour and a half away and Christy has to start all over making friends. Despite an embarrassing escapade at a slumber party, things are going pretty well...until some midnight fun leads to a trip to the police station. Does God really hear every whisper? Does He know our every wish? Then why is it so hard to know who your friends really are?

Yours Forever

Christy is back at Aunt Marti and Uncle Bob’s house on the beach for the entire week between Christmas and New Year’s... and Todd is in town, too! The cute surfer completely captured Christy’s heart last summer, and she’s eager to spend every possible minute with him. But soon Christy and her aunt are barely speaking, and it seems like all her friends are mad at her, too—including Todd! Is he hers or isn’t he? And why would God let things get so tangled?


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Summer Promise/A Whisper and a Wish/Yours Forever


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on 5/12/20

Li todos os livros da série Cris durante a pré-adolescência,mas confesso que não lembrava muita coisa. Tinha até um certo preconceito quando decidi reler e queria validar por mim mesma, agora com entendimento que Deus me concedeu o que eu realmente achava da série. Sobre o livro ser em inglês: achei a leitura muito fácil e tranquila. Os nomes dos personagens são também mais legais em inglês! Indico a leitura dos livros em inglês para aqueles que sabem inglês e querem treinar. Sobre os ... leia mais


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ranking 17
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Cíntia Mara
cadastrou em:
10/02/2012 10:12:09
Cíntia Mara
editou em:
11/10/2016 19:48:15

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