
Tamed Kora Knight


Tamed (The Courtside King Duology #1)

Upending Tad Spin Off #2: Breck and Kai

When aspirations and passion collide, Breck’s thrown onto a playing field he never anticipated.

Unrivaled in college basketball as a point-guard prodigy, Breck Harland has definitely earned his title as King of the Court. All around town, he’s a bona fide celebrity, his reputation with the ladies reinforcing a facade he's determined to protect. No one, not even his best friend, knows he's bi.
Enter Grandmaster Kai Nakado, the one person not impressed by Breck's imperial air.
When Breck signs up for his martial arts class, Kai makes it clear he finds his new student arrogant, impulsive, unfocused. With each exchange, their clashing chemistry intensifies, and Breck finds himself not just angry and frustrated… but inexplicably turned on. A fire that rages even hotter when Kai introduces him to the art of rope bondage, a talent Kai proves even more skilled at than martial arts.
At the hands of this experienced Dom, Breck's tenuous control threatens to slip from his grasp, the things he thought he wanted suddenly not so clear. If he’s not careful, Kai will completely derail him, a risk he can’t afford if he plans to make it to the pros.
Can he stop what’s already in motion, or will Kai tame the unattainable king?

Tamed, book one in the Courtside King Duology. A steamy, slow-burn, gay romance that will keep you riveted on the sidelines for more.

Erótico / LGBT / GLS

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"Breck stared, unable to take his eyes off him, utterly captivated by the way he moved, the sound of his voice." "Breck watched, eyes glued to Kai?s body. So big and so strong, maneuvering like a fighting machine. So powerful and yet at the same time, fluid. Like liquid vapor." Primeira releitura do ano e esse livro vai estar pra sempre no meu coração, breck e kai amooo vcs. Li esse livro no ano passado e era um dos meus favoritos, relendo hoje e notando alguns detalhes eu continuo ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 1
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i'm a sadness poet
cadastrou em:
22/11/2022 00:47:23
i'm a sadness poet
editou em:
10/01/2024 20:39:12

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