Terminal City

Terminal City Linda Fairstein


Terminal City

With her newest Alexandra Cooper novel, Terminal City, New York Times bestselling author Linda Fairstein delivers another breakneck thriller that captures the essence of New York Cityits glamour, its possibilities, and its endless capacity for darkness. Linda Fairstein is well-known for illuminating the dark histories in many of New Yorks forgotten cornersand sometimes in the citys most popular landmarks. In Terminal City, Fairstein turns her attention to one of New York's most iconic structuresGrand Central Terminal. From the worlds largest Tiffany clock decorating the 42nd Street entrance to its spectacular main concourse, Grand Central has been a symbol of beauty and innovation in New York City for more than one hundred years. But the worlds loveliest station is hiding more than just an underground train system. When the body of a young woman is found in the tower suite of the Waldorf Astoriaone of the most prestigious hotels in ManhattanAssistant DA Alex Cooper and Detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace find themselves hunting for an elusive killer whose only signature is carving a carefully drawn symbol into his victims bodies, a symbol that bears a striking resemblance to train tracks. When a second body bearing the same bloody symbol is discovered in a deserted alleyway right next to the terminal building, all attention shifts to the iconic transportation hub, where the potential for a bigger attack weighs heavily on everyones minds. With the President of the United States set to arrive for a United Nations meeting at the weeks end, Alex and Mike must contend with Grand Centrals expansive underground tunnels and century-old dark secretsas well as their own changing relationshipto find a killer who appears to be cutting a deadly path straight to the heart of the city.

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