The 10-Minute Dog Training Games: Quick & Creative Activities for the Busy Dog Owner (Dog Tricks and Training) (English Edition)

The 10-Minute Dog Training Games: Quick & Creative Activities for the Busy Dog Owner (Dog Tricks and Training) (English Edition) Kyra Sundance


The 10-Minute Dog Training Games: Quick & Creative Activities for the Busy Dog Owner (Dog Tricks and Training) (English Edition)

In 10-Minute Dog Training Games, renowned trainer and internationally best-selling author of 101 Dog Tricks, Kyra Sundance, gives you step-by-step, photo-illustrated instructions to do 86 simple learning games with your dog using a variety of props. They will be the highlight of the day for both you and your dog! Short, fun sessions are ideal for a dog, especially when they end with success! Each 10-minute game will boost your dog's intelligence as his or her brain is challenged with new behaviors. Kyra Sundance teaches how to use positive, reward-based techniques that foster an anxiety-free environment where your dog is an eager and willing participant. Simple instructions and photos take the guesswork out of training, while tips and equipment suggestions answer your questions. Using both specialized props and things around the house, help your dog build: Confidence (Weenie Bobbing, Tunnel, Hoop Jump, Platform Jump, and more) Mental Focus (Memory Game, Treasure Hunt, Massage, Dog Yoga, and more) Coordination (Ladder Work, Seesaw, Wobble Board, Jumping Figure-8s, and more) Strength (Tug, Assisted Upright Walking, Sit High, and more) Direction-Following Skills (Roll out the Carpet, Soap Bubble Chasing, Paintbrush Painting, and more) Enjoy special time with your dog every day with this dynamic, engaging curriculum! Also by Kyra Sundance, learn to do even more with your dog with: 101 Dog Tricks; The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook; 51 Puppy Tricks; 101 Dog Tricks, Kids Edition; Dog Training 101; The Pocket Guide to Dog Tricks; Kyras Canine Conditioning; and The Joy of Dog Training.

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