The Abbot

The Abbot's Ghost Louisa May Alcott


The Abbot's Ghost (Top Novelist Focus)

Or Maurice Treherne's Temptation

The Abbot's Ghost is a ghost story written by the American novelist Louisa May Alcott, remembered for her popular novel series Little women, Little men, Good wives and Jo’s boys.

The Abbot's Ghost is set during the time of Christmas and most of the events of the story is narrated in Christmas dinners and parties. Maurice Traherne becomes invalid while saving his cousin Jaspar from an accident. Jaspar hails from a wealthy family and as a token of gratitude of saving his life, a sizeable portion his wealth would be inherited as per his father’s will. Maurice falls in love with Jaspar’s sister Octavia, however Octavia’s mother do not accept him due to his poor wealth conditions.

During the situation Maurice has been framed by people for fraud and gambling. Unexpectedly Jaspar dies in an illness, however in contrast to the expectations of many; Maurice is disinherited from acquiring the wealth of Jaspar. Octavia reconsider her love with Maurice and does not want to marry him as a pauper. The rest of the story is narrated whether the couple reconciled or not.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Drama

Edições (66)

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on 1/1/11

Uma história simples, sem grandes pretensões, porém cheia de importantes lições! Em uma família bastante humilde, uma mãe assume o difícil encargo de cuidar sozinha de suas quatro filhas. Esta mãe, dotada de infinita sabedoria, nos ensina que o amor que une família e amigos é a maior riqueza que podemos ter, pois há muitas pessoas ricas materialmente, porém paupérrimas em sua existência, assombradas pela solidão, áridas de afeto. Ela nos ensina que a cooperação, o perdão e a caridade s... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 1.174
ranking 44
ranking 35
ranking 16
ranking 4
ranking 1



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17/05/2019 16:49:08

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