The Art of Making Memories

The Art of Making Memories Meik Wiking


The Art of Making Memories

How to Create and Remember Happy Moments

Do you remember your first kiss? The day you graduated? Your favorite vacation? Or the best meal you ever had?

Memories are the cornerstones of our identity, shaping who we are, how we act, and how we feel. In his work as a happiness researcher, Meik Wiking has learned that people are happier if they hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past. But how do we make and keep the memories that bring us lasting joy?

The Art of Making Memories examines how mental images are made, stored, and recalled in our brains, as well as the “art of letting go”—why we tend to forget certain moments to make room for deeper, more meaningful ones. Meik uses data, interviews, global surveys, and real-life experiments to explain the nuances of nostalgia and the different ways we form memories around our experiences and recall them—revealing the power that a “first time” has on our recollections, and why a piece of music, a smell, or a taste can unexpectedly conjure a moment from the past. Ultimately, Meik shows how we each can create warm memories that will stay with us for years.

Combining his signature charm with Scandinavian forthrightness, filled with infographics, illustrations, and photographs, and featuring “Happy Memory Tips,” The Art of Making Memories is an inspiration meditation and practical handbook filled with ideas to help us make the memories that will bring us joy throughout our lives.


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The Art of Making Memories


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Gostei muito
on 26/12/22

Outro livro que estava na minha lista de leitura já havia um tempo. Dicas e relatos de estudos relacionados a forma de fazer memórias. Por que não lembramos de algumas coisas e de outras lembramos com tantos detalhes? Tudo explicado em uma forma muito boa de ler. Gostei muito... leia mais


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