The Atlas Paradox

The Atlas Paradox Olivie Blake


The Atlas Paradox (The Atlas #2)

The Atlas #2

The Atlas Paradox is the long-awaited sequel to Olivie Blake's New York Times bestselling dark academic sensation The Atlas Six--guaranteed to have even more yearning, backstabbing, betrayal, and chaos.

Six magicians were presented with the opportunity of a lifetime.
Five are now members of the Society.
Two paths lay before them.

All must pick a side.

Alliances will be tested, hearts will be broken, and The Society of Alexandrians will be revealed for what it is: a secret society with raw, world-changing power, headed by a man whose plans to change life as we know it are already under way.

The Atlas Six introduced six of the most devious, talented, and flawed characters to ever find themselves in a magical library, and then sets them against one another in a series of stunning betrayals and reversals. As much a delicious contest of wit, will, and passion as it is of magic...half mystery, half puzzle, and wholly a delight.--New York Times bestselling author Holly Black

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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The Atlas Paradox


(11) ver mais
A Sociedade de Atlas
The Atlas Six
Alone With You in the Ether
Alone With You in the Ether

Resenhas para The Atlas Paradox (26)

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Aparentemente todo mundo aqui endoidou
on 1/3/23

Olha, falando na maior sinceridade possível, eu não estava ansiosa nem com muitas expectativas para ler the atlas paradox. Na época em que eu li o primeiro livro ele não me agradou tanto como eu gostaria, naquele momento fiquei até um pouco frustrada depois disso, mas enfim soube que teria uma continuação então decidir dar uma chance... Então venho aqui pedi desculpas ao primeiro livro que eu chamei de confuso e que tinha muita enchenção de linguiça pois ele é uma dádiva se comparan... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.8 / 111
ranking 32
ranking 39
ranking 21
ranking 7
ranking 2



luh lantsov
cadastrou em:
19/05/2022 18:32:18
luh lantsov
editou em:
23/08/2023 20:54:59

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