The Basic Practice of Statistics

The Basic Practice of Statistics David S. Moore...


The Basic Practice of Statistics

Now available with Macmillans new online learning tool Achieve, the ninth edition of The Basic Practice of Statistics 9e teaches statistical thinking by guiding students through an investigative process of problem-solving with pedagogy designed to help students of all levels. Examples and exercises from a wide variety of topic areas use current, real data to provide students insight into how and why statistics are used to make decisions in the real world. Achieve for The Basic Practice of Statistics connects the trusted Four-Step problem-solving approach and real world examples in the book to rich digital resources that foster further understanding and application of statistics. Assets in Achieve support learning before, during, and after class for students, while providing instructors with class performance analytics in an easy-to-use interface. Achieve Online Homework Macmillans new online learning tool Achieve features intuitive design, assessment, insights, and reporting built with the direct input of students, educators, and our learning science team. Achieve for The Basic Practice of Statistics features: Learning Objectives tagged to all assessments within Achieve. In-Class Activity Guides to facilitate active learning during class time. over 3,000 homework questions, each with hints, answer-specific feedback, and a fully worked solution. LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. an interactive e-book, powered by VitalSource. multimedia student resources, such as interactive applets and videos. data sets for common statistical software, video technology manuals, and access to Macmillans proprietary statistical software, CrunchIt! Content Updates to the Ninth Edition: Examples and exercises more clearly emphasize the decision-making process. Chapter Summaries and Review Chapters have been revised to help students check their knowledge and review for exams. - Summaries are in concise list form, and Skills Reviews (in Review Chapters) refer back to relevant chapter sections. Data in examples and exercises have been updated for currency, and new examples and exercises explore contemporary issues such as social media usage.

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João gregorio
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25/07/2021 14:02:16

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