The Beauty of Butterflies

The Beauty of Butterflies A.R. Breck


The Beauty of Butterflies

The Bones of Betrayal #1

Lost. Broken. Alone.
A fragment of my former self.
A butterfly with broken wings.
With no sense of direction, and nowhere to go, I’m left seeking out the last person who expected to see me.
Hades Gray, also known as my brother’s best friend.
He’s part of Carnival de Morte, otherwise known as the Carnival of Death.
A secret society.
He was my childhood crush, though those feelings don’t nearly compare to the fire that explodes between us now, leaving scars on my heart and finger imprints upon my skin.
He isn’t like other men, and I’m instantly captivated by his touch.
There’s a mystery about him that I’m nearly desperate to uncover.
It’s only when he lays his fingers on my skin do I realize the type of man he really is.
Commanding. Possessive. Dominant.
And it only takes a glance from him before I fall to my knees.
He wants to protect me, to fix the broken wings atop my back.
Though, soon enough, there isn’t anyone who can protect me from the evil headed my way, not even Hades Gray.
Secrets are uncovered. Lives are lost.
And through it all, I learn to fly again.
My name is Vivianna Finch.
Welcome to my story, it’s only just begun.

Warning: This book contains content that may be triggering to some readers. Discretion is advised.

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The Beauty of Butterflies


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Resenhas para The Beauty of Butterflies (5)

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Um suspense para passar o tempo
on 31/10/23

Foi um suspense bem clichê, mas entregou bastante. Os personagens são bem elaborados, mas sentir falta de mais envolvimento entre eles, sentir como se pegasse o bonde andando kkkkk. O Hades é um cara que se acha um pitbull raivoso, mas não vi muita coisa, me deu um ódio mortal dele na hora que a Viviana caiu e ele supôs que foi s#icídio, 🤬 #$%!& nem conhecia a garota, os amigos que deram opiniões diferentes, conheciam mais ela do que o cara com quem ela f#dia. A Viviana é ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/03/2023 17:43:39
editou em:
25/03/2023 17:43:55