The Boss

The Boss Stella Andrews


The Boss (Club Mafia. #2)

The dark was never so good.

I'm the boss.

I make the rules and punish those who break them.

I'm good at my job.

I arranged a most dark marriage.

A business deal to ally with a powerful family to start a war.

The contract is clear.

Being my wife in public and strangers in private.

And then I met her.

Jasmine Rossi.

Reluctant mob princess and rebel without a cause.

Strong, brave and reckless. Smooth and vulnerable, curvy in all the right places.

A mermaid in combat, ready for battle. Now I've changed the rules and she has no choice. She can fight me all she wants, but we both know it's a losing battle, for her, at least.

I've renegotiated our contract to get what I want.

Control every part of her and mold her into my ideal woman.

One night off a week, but the rest are mine, and I intend to do everything in my power to put her in line. She may hate me now, but I'm used to it.

I will take that passion and use it to my advantage.

She is a business and she must accept her fate. The business of becoming my perfect partner without compromising my heart. Love weakens a man and gives his enemies a way to destroy him. They take what matters most to you and use it against you.

That is why we are taught not to feel. To lock up our hearts to survive. I only have one weakness and it will probably be my death. Freeing my sister from the most powerful mob boss in the world right now. There's only room for one knife twisting in my heart, and I won't let another one in.

I'm about to start a war.

Dark, dangerous and full of depravity.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Boss



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Avaliações 3.4 / 8
ranking 25
ranking 38
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cadastrou em:
27/12/2022 23:59:58
editou em:
28/12/2022 00:00:27

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