The court the fae forgot

The court the fae forgot Analeigh Ford...


The court the fae forgot (A Court of Thieves and Traitors #1)

No one knew how the fae came to be in our world, but we did know they were wicked. They were cruel. But most importantly, they were powerful.

From the moment these creatures arrived on our shores and stole our courts from us, we’d lived as little more than slaves beneath the fae’s glamour.

Or so I’d been taught.

I was taught to fear them, and for good reason, because now these fae in all their wicked, cruel power have come for me.

Not to enslave me further, however, but to free me.

Hours before I was to be delivered to my equally cruel betrothed, three gorgeous golden-haired fae of the Western Court arrive with promises to sweep me away to a better life…if we can stay alive long enough to see it.

They come with claims of a stolen throne and a changeling princess, claims I never would have believed if the humans who raised me weren’t all too quick to spill the truth in exchange for a few more gold coins.

I was never human.

I was never one of them.

I was always something else—something wicked, something cruel, something powerful ,too.

Or, I will be powerful once we discover how to unlock the power that’s been hidden from even me.

These fae warn me of the sweeping Wildness, the vast fae forests ruled by a lord perverted by a glamour so powerful that no one dares contend with him.

Icarus—Lord of the Wildness. The Dark Fae of the Forest.

There’s a problem with their warning, however.

I’ve already met this Lord of the Wildness. That dark fae lord, that winged creature of terrible beauty, already knows me … intimately.

We share a bond, he and I, and try as I might to fight it, fate seems to have other plans.

Only one thing is certain in my new world. No one is to be trusted, least of all myself.

The Court The Fae Forgot is the first book in this slow burn (but extra spicy) dark enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance series with multiple love interests, hidden powers, handsome dark-haired villains … and most importantly, only one bed at the inn.

Fantasia / Romance

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The court the fae forgot



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