The Crimson Skew (The Mapmakers Trilogy #3)

The Crimson Skew (The Mapmakers Trilogy #3) S.E. Grove


The Crimson Skew (The Mapmakers Trilogy #3) (The Mapmakers Trilogy #3)

The Mapmakers Trilogy (Book Three)

It is late August 1892, and Sophia Tims is coming home from a foreign Age, having risked her life in search of her missing parents. Now she is aboard ship, with a hard-earned, cryptic map that may help her find them at long last.

But her homecoming is anything but peaceful. Threatening clouds hang over New Orleans harbor. Sinkholes have been opening in Boston, swallowing parts of the city whole. Rogue weirwinds tear up the Baldlands. Worst of all, New Occident is at war, led by a prime minister who will do anything to expand the country westward. He has blackmailed Sophia’s beloved uncle Shadrack into drawing the battle maps that will lead countless men and boys—including Sophia’s best friend, Theo—to their deaths.

As Sophia puzzles out her next move, Shadrack is peeling back layers of government intrigue, and Theo is bracing himself to fight. A red fog of war is rising, and New Occident’s future hangs in the balance. . . .

The Crimson Skew is the thrilling final act of S. E. Grove’s acclaimed Mapmakers Trilogy—three unforgettable books set in a world like no other.

Fantasia / Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira

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The Crimson Skew (The Mapmakers Trilogy #3)


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The Crimson Skew é a conclusão da Série Mapmakers, mas acaba nos deixando com vontade de ler mais. S.E. Grove criou um mundo fragmentado e personagens maravilhosos tentando lidar com a instabilidade tanto física do planeta, quanto emocional dos seus habitantes. A autora consegue fechar todos os questionamentos trazidos desde o primeiro livro, sem deixar pontas soltas na história dos personagens principais. Seguem, porém, muitas questões em aberto sobre esse mundo incrível. Nós fica... leia mais


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Crisna @tinyowl.reads
cadastrou em:
11/08/2016 00:55:32
Crisna @tinyowl.reads
editou em:
11/08/2016 01:03:04