The Dark Tide

The Dark Tide Alicia Jasinska


The Dark Tide

A gripping, dark enemies to lovers LGBTQ+ YA fantasy about two girls who must choose between saving themselves, each other, or their sinking island home.

Every year on St. Walpurga's Eve, Caldella's Witch Queen lures a boy back to her palace. An innocent life to be sacrificed on the full moon to keep the island city from sinking.

Lina Kirk is convinced her brother is going to be taken this year. To save him, she enlists the help of Thomas Lin, the boy she secretly loves, and the only person to ever escape from the palace. But they draw the queen's attention, and Thomas is chosen as the sacrifice.

Queen Eva watched her sister die to save the boy she loved. Now as queen, she won't make the same mistake. She's willing to sacrifice anyone if it means saving herself and her city.

When Lina offers herself to the queen in exchange for Thomas's freedom, the two girls await the full moon together. But Lina is not at all what Eva expected, and the queen is nothing like Lina envisioned. Against their will, they find themselves falling for each other as water floods Caldella's streets and the dark tide demands its sacrifice.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Dark Tide


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Premissa ótima
on 20/3/22

?Depois que o rapaz que ama é sequestrado por uma bruxa, Lina decide partir numa missão para salvá-lo, mas termina se apaixonando pela bruxa?. Eu amei a premissa desse livro, também amei a história, mas acho que faltou algo (poderia ter sido mais longo, mostrado mais da relação de Lina e Eva se desenvolvendo) De toda forma, amei as duas personagens, que são opostas (grumpy x sunshine), se completam, e uma ensina a outra exatamente o que cada uma precisa aprender (lina precisa pensar m... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.3 / 84
ranking 13
ranking 39
ranking 32
ranking 10
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
22/06/2019 21:36:50
editou em:
02/06/2022 01:33:12

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