The Daughters of Juarez: A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border

The Daughters of Juarez: A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border Teresa Rodríguez...


The Daughters of Juarez: A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border

Despite the fact that Juarez is a Mexican border city just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas, most Americans are unaware that for more than twelve years this city has been the center of an epidemic of horrific crimes against women and girls, consisting of kidnappings, rape, mutilation, and murder, with most of the victims conforming to a specific profile: young, slender, and poor, fueling the premise that the murders are not random. Indeed, there has been much speculation that the killer or killers are American citizens. While some leading members of the American media have reported on the situation, prompting the U.S. government to send in top criminal profilers from the FBI, little real information about this international atrocity has emerged. According to Amnesty International, as of 2006 more than 400 bodies have been recovered, with hundreds still missing.

As for who is behind the murders themselves, the answer remains unknown, although many have argued that the killings have become a sort of blood sport, due to the lawlessness of the city itself. Among the theories being considered are illegal trafficking in human organs, ritualistic satanic sacrifices, copycat killers, and a conspiracy between members of the powerful Juarez drug cartel and some corrupt Mexican officials who have turned a blind eye to the felonies, all the while lining their pockets with money drenched in blood.

Despite numerous arrests over the last ten years, the murders continue to occur, with the killers growing bolder, dumping bodies in the city itself rather than on the outskirts of town, as was initially the case, indicating a possible growing and most alarming alliance of silence and cover-up by Mexican politicians.

"The Daughters of Juarez" promises to be the first eye-opening, authoritative nonfiction work of its kind to examine the brutal killings and draw attention to these atrocities on the border. The end result will shock readers and become required reading on the subject for years to come.

Literatura Estrangeira

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The Daughters of Juarez: A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border


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on 24/6/21

É uma denúncia do que ocorre em Ciudad Juárez, onde há quase três décadas ocorrem assassinatos brutais contra meninas e mulheres, com a cumplicidade de autoridades políticas, policiais e judiciais. Desde que os feminicídios começaram em 1993 são 2.248 (até janeiro de 2021). Lançado na mesma época que o documentário “Bajo Juárez: la ciudad devorando a sus hijas”, que de certa forma complementa, o livro é um notável trabalho investigativo com linguagem clara e profusão de dados relevante... leia mais


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