The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank


The Diary of a Young Girl

The Nazi-German army invaded the Netherlands in 1940 and quickly overpowered the Dutch populace. Soon, they began deporting Jews to concentration camps as per party policy. The Frank family, like several other Jewish families, had gone into hiding in the hope of evading deportation. Anne Frank was only thirteen years old at this time. Though they managed to remain hidden for over two years, they were eventually singled out and taken away.

During her time in hiding, Anne began writing about her experiences in a diary. She wrote about her life as a Jew during the Nazi era, about the war, and what she thought about it all. The diary brings out the terrifying poignancy of those times and reveals Anne’s deepest feelings about her family, her dreams and aspirations, and her maturing sexuality.

The diary was retrieved by Anne's father after her death and first published in 1947. It went on to achieve an iconic status internationally for its unmatched honest portrayal of the war-time conditions and for bringing out the unspeakable Nazi atrocities from the perspective of a young Jewish girl. Not written as letters to oneself, all the entries in the diary are addressed to a person named Kitty, an imaginary friend of Anne.

Wilco Classic Library: The Diary Of A Young Girl is one of the foremost proofs of the Nazi regime’s atrocities towards Jews, notwithstanding the numerous claims of Holocaust deniers that its content is false and fabricated. A critical edition of the diary was released by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation in 1986, which included research corroborating the authenticity of the diary. It was adapted to a Pulitzer Prize-winning play in 1955 and a film in 1959.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Drama / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Não-ficção

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Resenhas para The Diary of a Young Girl (72)

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Reflexivo e Contemporâneo
on 3/2/24

Esse livro é uma obra clássica que faz refletir nosso papel no Mundo. É absurdamente interessante entender como uma menina de 14 anos viu a guerra de dentro de um esconderijo e faz em todo momento você pensar como agiria se você estivesse naquele lugar. A qualidade de escrita é inegável e muito surpreendente levando em conta que era apenas uma criança que estava escrevendo. A obra faz você refletir o que milhares e milhares de crianças passam todos os dias em guerras pelo Mundo que não... leia mais

Vídeos The Diary of a Young Girl (1)

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O Diario de Anne Frank - Resenha

O Diario de Anne Frank - Resenha


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Grazi Fachim
cadastrou em:
19/06/2014 18:50:02
Pri Paiva
editou em:
18/06/2021 17:13:05

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