The Drowning Summer

The Drowning Summer Christine Lynn Herman


The Drowning Summer

A gorgeously atmospheric contemporary fantasy by the author of The Devouring Gray and The Deck of Omens.

Six years ago, three Long Island teenagers were murdered—their drowned bodies discovered with sand dollars placed over their eyes. The mystery of the drowning summer was never solved, but as far as the town’s concerned, Evelyn Mackenzie’s father did it. His charges were dropped only because Evelyn summoned a ghost to clear his name. She swore never to call a spirit again. She lied.

For generations, the family of Mina Zanetti, a former friend of Evelyn, has worked as mediums, using the ocean’s power to guide the dead to their final resting place. But as sea levels rise, the ghosts grow more dangerous and Mina has been shut out of the family business. When Evelyn performs another summoning that goes horribly wrong, the two girls must navigate their growing attraction to each other while solving the mystery of who was really behind the drowning summer…before the line between life and death dissolves for good.

Beautifully written and just the right amount witchy, The Drowning Summer is a deliciously eerie story perfect for reading under a full moon.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

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The Drowning Summer
The Drowning Summer


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The drowning summer
on 4/3/24

Foi uma leitura muito interessante, especialmente pela criatividade ao associar os eventos sobrenaturais com preservação do ecossistema!! gostei também da abordagem das relações familiares e dos personagens, so senti que na primeira metade da história foi difícil me conectar com a relação entre as protagonistas, senti falta de alguns momentos entre elas antes de se aproximarem mais, mas ainda foi uma dinâmica agradavel de se acompanhar.... leia mais


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