The Elements of Style (Classic Edition, 2017)

The Elements of Style (Classic Edition, 2017) William Strunk Jr...


The Elements of Style (Classic Edition, 2017)

This new and updated (2017) Classic Edition contains the original version of The Elements of Style written by William Strunk Jr. Generations of writers and college students have learned the basics of grammar from this short book. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar handbook that all aspiring writers should read. Written a century ago, Strunk's book is a nostalgic link to the Art Deco era and the Roaring Twenties. Many of the grammar rules listed in the book are still relevant today; but, one by one, these rules are becoming obsolete. This Classic Edition commemorates the 100-year anniversary of Prof. Strunk's book and follows his original version, but this new version offers these added features for present-day readers: 1. Editor's Notes throughout the book to alert readers to obsolete grammar rules, and offer up-to-date advice on current writing practices. 2. Grammar examples are illustrated with "right" and "wrong" icons, allowing readers to easily tell correct examples from errors at a glance. 3. A Study Guide has been added at the back of the book. 4. The paperback version provides blank, lined pages at the back of the book for convenient note taking. 5. The e-book version has been restyled for improved display on the latest Kindle devices and other e-book readers; and the paperback edition has been restyled and reformatted for a more modern, appealing look. If you are looking for a quick refresher to improve your grammar and style, or if you are taking a college course and "Elements of Style" is on your required reading list, this Classic Edition will give you the best of both worlds: a version that remains true to Strunk's original book, plus modern touches which make this grammar book truly useful and up-to-date. Thank you for purchasing the Classic Edition, and enjoy your read!

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Para escritores de língua inglesa e estudantes do inglês
on 18/8/20

Uma gramática resumida de pontos mais pertinentes da língua inglesa. Esse livro foi recomendado como essencial pelo Stephen King em seu autobiográfico e didático "Sobre a escrita" para quem quer ser escritor, claro que para os que escrevem em língua inglesa. Contudo, não só há outras questões muito bem aproveitáveis para escritores de outras línguas, como a construção de uma frase e um parágrafo coerente e conciso, como também é um ótimo estudo para quem fala e continua estudando o idi... leia mais


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