The Fathers Know Best

The Fathers Know Best Jimmy Akin


The Fathers Know Best

Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church

The Fathers Know Best: Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church is a unique resource. It introduces you to the teachings of the first Christians in a way no other work can. It is specially designed to make it easy for you to find the information you want and need. Amazing features in this fact-packed book include: - More than 900 quotations from the writings of the early Church Fathers, as well as from rare and important documents dating back to the dawn of Christian history. - Mini-biographies of nearly 100 Fathers, as well as descriptions of dozens of key early councils and writings. - A concise history of the dramatic spread of Christianity after Jesus told his disciples to evangelize all nations. - Special maps showing you where the Fathers lived, including many little-known and long-vanished locations. - A guide to nearly 30 ancient heresies, many of which have returned to haunt the modern world. - The Fathers' teaching on nearly 50 topics, including modern hot-button issues like abortion, homosexuality, and divorce. This groundbreaking work presents the teachings of the early Christians in a way unlike any other book. It flings open the doors of the crucial but little-known age covering the birth of Christianity and the triumphant march of the gospel throughout the ancient world.

Filosofia / Religião e Espiritualidade

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The Fathers Know Best


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Padres Apologistas

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on 3/6/22

Não teria como avaliar esse livro, devido ao seu peso, seu conteúdo, suas informações. De longe, a melhor obra sobre o tema. É um copilado maravilhoso com centenas de citações dos padres da Igreja, comprovando de uma vez por toda que a Igreja nasceu católica. De fato, "The Fathers Know Better" - "Os pais sabem melhor".... leia mais


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23/11/2015 23:19:23

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