The Fountain

The Fountain Darren Aronofsky


The Fountain

From Booklist

When his plans for the ambitious, millennia--spanning fantasy film The Fountain were derailed, Pi and Requiem for a Dream directorAronofsky recast the story as a graphic novel, and although the movie was subsequently revived (starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz; it's due out later this year), the comics version stayed on track. Its three parallel stories, set in sixteenth-century Central America, the present day, and the distant future, respectively, depict the same man as a conquistador, a scientist, and an interplanetary explorer, always trying to prevent the death of the woman he desperately loves. Aronofsky's epic boldly blends mysticism and science, which coalesce in the hero's discovery of the mythical Tree of Life. Williams' lush, painted artwork, stylistically and narratologically reminiscent of Sandman illustrator Dave McKean's work, perfectly matches the script's passion and challenging abstruseness. Not simply an adaptation of the movie--the screenplay that is its basis being significantly altered when the film project was revived--the lavish, oversize graphic novel ought to be fascinating to compare with the released movie. Gordon Flagg

Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Description

Darren Aronofsky proved himself a film maker to watch with his provocative debut, Pi. His follow-up, Requiem for a Dream, continued the accolades, receiving Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations. His latest film, The Fountain, is presented here as a gorgeously painted, oversized original graphic novel about the timeless truths of life, love and death.The story cross-cuts between three very different time periods: 1535, where Thomas is a captain of a Spanish army that enters into a spectacular march through Mayan temples and Central American jungles in order to find the key to eternal life for his love, Queen Isabel; the present day, where Thomas is a doctor trying to find the cure to the cancer that is slowly killing his wife; and the far future, where Thomas is an explorer, traveling through space, trying to save the life of a tree that represents the memory of his wife. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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The Fountain
The Fountain


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on 26/2/20

Eu sou bem suspeita para falar sobre "The Fountain": o filme "Fonte da Vida" é um dos mais belos que eu já vi, seja em enredo, seja em fotografia. Darren Aronofsky, diretor e roteirista do filme, escreveu, junto dele, esta graphic novel. Aqui temos um casal, Tomas e Izzi, que se encontram em três diferentes tempos e espaços: a Espanha de 1532, durante a Inquisição Espanhola; o "presente", em 2005; e o caminho até Xibalba, uma estrela próxima a explodir, no ano 2463. O desejo pela imort... leia mais


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