The Foxglove King

The Foxglove King Hannah Whitten


The Foxglove King (The Nightshade Crown #1)

In this lush, romantic new epic fantasy series from New York Times bestselling author Hannah Whitten, a young woman's secret power to raise the dead plunges her into the dangerous and glamorous world of the Sainted King's royal court.

When Lore was thirteen, she escaped a cult in the catacombs beneath the city of Dellaire. And in the ten years since, she's lived by one rule: don't let them find you. Easier said than done, when her death magic ties her to the city.

Mortem, the magic born from death, is a high-priced and illicit commodity in Dellaire, and Lore's job running poisons keeps her in food, shelter, and relative security. But when a run goes wrong and Lore's power is revealed, she's taken by the Presque Mort, a group of warrior-monks sanctioned to use Mortem working for the Sainted King. Lore fully expects a pyre, but King August has a different plan. Entire villages on the outskirts of the country have been dying overnight, seemingly at random. Lore can either use her magic to find out what's happening and who in the King's court is responsible, or die.

Lore is thrust into the Sainted King's glittering court, where no one can be believed and even fewer can be trusted. Guarded by Gabriel, a duke-turned-monk, and continually running up against Bastian, August's ne'er-do-well heir, Lore tangles in politics, religion, and forbidden romance as she attempts to navigate a debauched and opulent society.

But the life she left behind in the catacombs is catching up with her. And even as Lore makes her way through the Sainted court above, they might be drawing closer than she thinks.


Edições (2)

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The Foxglove King
O Rei de Foxglove


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Um Reino de Carne e Fogo
From Blood and Ash
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
The Crown of Gilded Bones

Resenhas para The Foxglove King (2)

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Resenha: The Foxglove King
on 27/7/23

Outra leitura maravilhosa de Hannah Whitten! O que eu mais gostei em The Foxglove King foi a construção do mundo. Era tão detalhado e complexo e, apesar de lidar com algo que normalmente não gosto (religião), me manteve interessada e intrigada sobre como tudo aconteceu. As coisas estavam um pouco confusas no começo até que eu entendi Mortem, admito. Lore como personagem principal também foi ótima! Gostei muito de sua perspectiva e jornada aqui. Sua história de fundo não era única... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 12
ranking 25
ranking 58
ranking 8
ranking 8
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cadastrou em:
27/11/2022 19:38:00
editou em:
27/11/2022 19:38:25

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