The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsène Lupin (English Edition)

The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsène Lupin (English Edition) Maurice Leblanc


The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsène Lupin (English Edition)

Arsène Lupin: Le triangle d'or

Arsène Lupin is the greatest thief in the world. With his abundant wit and brilliance, Lupin gleefully disrupts the lives of France's cultural elite with his daring escapades. After the First World War, two wounded veterans find comfort in friendship. When one is blamed for murder, they enlist the help of Lupin. The Return of Arsène Lupin is a novel by Maurice Leblanc.

The story takes place in 1915, WWI has just started, Arsene Lupin returns as war veteran Don Luis Perenna. He is called to uncover the details of the mysterious murder of a Moroccan man, Essares Bey, the disappearance of 300 Million Francs in Gold, and the connection between another war veteran, Captain Patrice Beval and a volunteer nurse working in a military hospital in Paris, affectionately known as Mother Coralie. But their lives are in danger, and Arsene takes it upon himself to play detective and find the culprit, and more importantly, the gold! Lupin is smarter, stronger, wittier, more invulnerable than ever. Will he be able to derail the dastardly plan before it unfolds?

[About the Author]: Maurice Leblanc est ne en 1864 a Rouen. Apres des etudes de droit, il se lance dans le journalisme. En 1907 parait son premier ouvrage - policier -: "Arsene Lupin gentleman cambrioleur". Le personnage devient immediatement populaire et Leblanc en fait le heros d une longue serie d aventures. Au total trente recits, parmi lesquels "Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes" (1908), "L Aiguille creuse" (1909), "Le Bouchon de cristal" (1912), "Les Huit Coups de l horloge" (1921), "La Cagliostro se venge" (1935) Maurice Leblanc est mort en 1941 a Perpignan.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsène Lupin (English Edition)


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