The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible Max Lucado
Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados
Frank Charles Thompson


The Holy Bible

Holman Christian Standard Bible

The HCSB was developed by 100 scholars and English stylists from 17 denominations, who prayerfully translated what is one of the most significant Bible translations available today. The HCSB reflects linguistic advances in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and formatting while it retains meaningful theological terms. In the HCSB you'll find God's personal name (Yahweh), the use of "Messiah" in the New Testament, and the use of "slave" in the New Testament, just to name a few examples. Also, you'll notice the contemporary speech patterns in the HCSB mean that words like "behold" and "shall" are not used. Instead, words or phrases that are common today can be found in their place.

The HCSB employs a first-of-its kind translation philosophy known as Optimal Equivalence, which seeks to achieve an optimal balance of literary precision and emotive clarity through a comprehensive analysis of the text at every level. This process assures maximum transfer of both words and thoughts contained in the original.

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Avaliações 4.6 / 6.988
ranking 83
ranking 6
ranking 5
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ranking 3



cadastrou em:
18/05/2021 15:16:40

editou em:
18/05/2021 15:16:55

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