The Inn on Harmony Island

The Inn on Harmony Island Anne-Marie Meyer


The Inn on Harmony Island (Sweet Tea and a Southern Gentleman #1)

A Sweet, Small Town, Southern Romance

It's the moment that Harmony Island has been waiting for: the reading of Charlotte Cane's will.

After I returned to my small hometown six months ago to attend my estranged grandmother's funeral, I swore I would never go back. That is, until my grandmother's lawyer calls me up. If I don't return to Harmony Island and fulfill my grandmother's stipulations, the generationally owned family inn will be turned over to the state and sold off to the highest bidder--my grandmother's rival and mother to the man who broke my heart, Missy Willis.

I'm not sure I'm strong enough to return home, but I also know, I can't let Miss Willis win. So I pack up my belongings and head for North Carolina.

I'm determined to stay distant, living in the small cottage next to the inn, and keep my head down. But in a small town where everyone knows your name, that becomes difficult. Soon, my past catches up with me and I'm faced with the history I've buried for so long. Just when I reach my breaking point, Miles, the single dad living at the inn, swoops in to my life to rescue me. He was my protector in my childhood, my enemy in my teenage years, and now?

Now, I'm not so sure. Especially when his love for his daughter is contagious, or the way he looks at me when he doesn't know I see him. I'm so confused and I want to run away like I did in the past, but I can't. And when Miles touches me like that...I don't want to.

Luckily, I find a friend in Abigail, the local bookstore owner. She's one of the only residents who doesn't know about my past and seems to be looking for the same thing I am, a place to belong.

This story is told through 3 different points of view. Shelby, Abigail, and Miles. It's a story of romance and friendships between women. If you liked the Netflix show, Sweet Magnolias, you'll love this series!

The Inn on Harmony Island is chock full of romance, redemption, and forgiveness. If you're looking for your next summer read, grab your copy today! It is the first book in the Sweet Tea and a Southern Gentleman series and ends on a cliff hanger.

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The Inn on Harmony Island


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on 24/9/22

Esse livro veio para me ensinar de uma vez por todas a não pegar recomendações no tiktok. Eu estava realmente bem aberta e animada com esse livro. Já tinha um tempo que queria ler algo bem nessa vibe de pessoa voltando pra cidade pequena em que cresceu, e somado a uma cena que vi num video do tiktok, imaginei que seria um livro bem fofo e romântico. Mas sinceramente, esse livro é uma bagunça. O livro é narrado por Shelby, nossa protagonista com um passado traumático, por Miles, o... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
08/08/2022 10:23:45
editou em:
08/08/2022 10:25:06

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