The Knight

The Knight Skye Warren


The Knight (The Endgame #2)

The power of pleasure...

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what's mine.

He thinks he's beaten me. He thinks he's won. What he doesn't realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.

And the game has only just begun.

* * * * * *

THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.

Praise for The Pawn:

"Positively sinful, and outrageously sexy! Emotions run high and readers will be left gasping." - New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones

"Smart, dark, deeply sensual read with characters I fell in love with from the minute they walked onto the page!" - New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips

"Skye Warren's THE PAWN is a triumph of intrigue, angst, and sensual drama. I was clenching everything. Gabriel and Avery sucked me in from the first few paragraphs and never let go." - New York Times bestselling author Annabel Joseph

"A stealthy, sensual, twisted game of cat and mouse that sucked me in completely and had me turning the pages faster and faster. Cunning and brilliant." - USA TODAY Bestselling Author K.L. Kreig


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The Knight


(3) ver mais
The Pawn
Never Have I Ever
The King

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Não aguento mais ouvir falar de xadrez
3 weeks, 4 days ago

Nossa, que livro podre! O primeiro não é um primor de qualidade, mas foi rápido e bobo o bastante para me deixar entretida. Esse foi como levar várias facadas com uma faca cega e enferrujada. Pareceu não acabar nunca, e me fez passar fisicamente mal. Por alguma razão a autora insiste em repetir infinitamente que Avery vendeu a virgindade, que ela foi leiloada, que seu pai está péssimo, que ela vendeu a virgindade, que a casa de sua mãe é muito importante, que ela vendeu a virginda... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 19
ranking 26
ranking 47
ranking 16
ranking 11
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
02/01/2017 07:26:42
editou em:
25/07/2021 17:37:23

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